Property type: Villas
Macadi bay
VS 095
Price: 140,000 USD
Instalment for 6 months (first payment 50 %): without repairing - 220 000$. Super-lux repairing, landscape gardening of the territory around, conditioners in every room - 240 000$
Instalment for 1year (first payment 30 %): without repairing - 230 000$. Super-lux repairing,, landscape gardening of the territory around, conditioners in every room - 250 000$
100% cash payment or payment by Instalment for 2 months: without repairing - 200 000$. Super-lux repairing,, landscape gardening of the territory around, conditioners in every room - 230 000$
Type: Sale
Region: Macadi
Object: № VS 095
Instalment: Yes
Space: the space of the bungalo is 150 sq.m., the space of the garden around the bungalo is 150 sq. m.
Rooms: a big living-room, american kitchen, bathroom, 2 bedrooms
Floors: a one-storey house
Balcony/Terrace: terrace
Repair: Yes
Air conditioners: No
Transport service: Yes
Distance from the sea (on foot): On the sea shore
The remoteness from the center: 27 km from the center of Hurghada, 25 min from the airport
Infrastructure: On the territory of the complex there are restourants, cafe on the beach, 2 swimming pools, a medical center, an internet cafe, supermarket is under constraction and many other options. A Bowling center is under constraction now. Food delivery service is available. The beach is private and good equipped and there are a lot of nice corals in the sea not far.
Description: The bungalo is built on the territory of a premium class residential complex on the shore of Macadi bay on 46 thousands sq. m. There are 2 swimming pools, one of them is with a sea water, bar, parking, restourant , Internet-cafe, medical center. The territory is planted with palm trees, grass, flowers, etc. If You are looking for a premium class residence on the sea shore with all infrastracture included it is the best choice!
More Information
Type: Продажа
Object: №VS 095
Market: первичный
Instalment: Есть
Space: 150sq.m.
Rooms: большая гостиная, 2 спальни, американская кухня, с/у, сад 50 кв. м.
Floors: 1 этажный дом
Balcony/Terrace: Терраса
Repair: Есть
Furniture: Нет
Air conditioners: Нет
Distance from the sea (on foot): На берегу моря
The remoteness from the center: 20 км от Хургады
Description: Бунгало расположено на территории элитного жилого комплекса "Эрмитаж" на побережье бухты Макади, которая знаменита своими великолепными коралловыми рифами. На территории комплекса собственный пляж, 2 бассейна, в том числе с морской водой, магазины. Для жителей комплекса доступны такие услуги, как заказ такси, доставка продуктов, прачечная, интернет, собственная парковка и многое другое. Вокруг бунгало сад размером 50 кв. м. Всего 1минута пешком до собственного пляжа и пол минуты до бассейна. Рядом расположены отели 4 и 5 звезд. На территории комплекса строится боулинг-центр.
Additional Info: Стоимость годового обслуживания 250 долларов США.